I do hope you are all having a happy Octave of All Saints. Let us call upon them all. Here is a prayer that invokes all of them:
Sancti Dei omnes, intercedere dignemini pro nostra omniumque salute.
V. Lætamini in Domino, et exultate, justi.
R. Et gloriamini, omnes recti corde.
Protege, Domine, populum tuum, et apostolorum tuorum Petri et Pauli, et aliorum apostolorum patrocinio confidentem, perpetua defensione conserva.
Omnes Sancti tui, quæsumus, Domine, nos ubique adjuvent; ut dum eorum merita recolimus, patrocinia sentiamus: et pacem tuam nostris concede temporibus, et ab Ecclesia tua cunctam repelle nequitiam: iter, actus, et voluntates nostras, et ominum famulorum tuorum in salutis tuæ prosperitate dispone: benefactoribus nostris sempiterna bona retribue, et omnibus fidelibus defunctis requiem æternam concede. Per Dominum, &c.
This was at one time used in the Little Office of Our Lady.
Here is the translation in the Baronius edition of the Lt. Office:
O all ye Saints of God, vouchsafe to intercede for our salvation, and that of all mankind.
V. Rejoice in the Lord, and be glad, O ye just.
R. And glory, all ye that are right of heart.
Let us pray.
Protect thy people, O Lord, and preserve them by thy continual defence, who trust in the patronage of Peter and Paul, and all thy other apostles.
Let all thy Saints, we beseech thee, O Lord, assist us every where; that, while we honour their merits, we may experience their patronage: grant us thy peace in our times, and repel all wickedness from thy Church: dispose our way, our acts, and wills, and those of all thy servants, in the good success of thy salvation: render to our benefactors everlasting blessings, and to all the faithful departed grant eternal rest. Through our Lord, &c.
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