Friday, 12 February 2010

Today seems to have been rather busy. I set my alarm for 2 but did not get up until nearly 8.30; I said morning prayer, and then had breakfast at 9. I left Collingwood immediately after breakfast in time to get to Mass at St Godric's. After that, I said mid-morning prayer from my fairly new copy of the first volume of the Divine Office. I have said all of today's office now, except Night Prayer. I am intending to say all of it during Lent, and since Lent is nearly upon us, I am trying to get into the habit of it now. I would not at all recommend starting with the entire Office. I would recommend the following:


Say Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Night Prayer.


Add Office of Readings so:

Office of Readings, Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, Night Prayer.

[The Office of Readings can be said at any time, or even the evening of the night before. I said today's Office of Readings at midnight, which I think is a good time for it.]


Say the entire Office:

Office of Readings, Morning Prayer, Mid-morning Prayer, Midday Prayer, Mid-afternoon Prayer, Evening Prayer, Night Prayer (Septies in die, &c.)

What I mean is that you should work gradually up to saying the whole thing; you won't be able to sustain it - probably - if you go from 0 to 100 instantaneously. It can hardly be done. Perhaps it cannot be done. Anyway, so much for that.

I saw a doctor today about my Brain Being Mean To Me (thank you sanabituranima): apparently I need a Yellow Form. Also I have a new campus card, although I have also found the old one. Life is not bad.

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