Tuesday, 30 March 2010

I am frustrated and disgusted by the treatment of the Holy Catholic Church by the media. I use the phrase "the media" in the sense of the mainstream media, such as The New York Slimes and the British Fraudcasting Corporation.

The accusations against Father Murphy are evidently true; the accusations made against the Pope, when he was Card. Ratzinger, are false. This latter story, propagated by the New York Times, and by, I think, every non-Catholic major disseminator of news throughout the entire world, is false, as Fr de Souza points out. All I shall do here is link the Gentle Reader to it:





The simple fact is that the hatred the media have for Catholicism is so strong that if you assert its true extent, nobody not Catholic will believe you; for this hatred would be simply incredible, were it not true. Nevertheless, it is a fact.

All I can do is quote the words of Marshall McLuhan:

The modern media are engaged in a Luciferian conspiracy against the truth.

1 comment:

  1. http://keepthinkingbutch.blogspot.com/2010/03/tedia-studies.html

    The mainstream media fails.
