Sunday, 19 December 2010

If we wish to become saints, we should have some sort of Rule of Life. We should, ideally, go to Mass every day, meditate for at least 15 minutes each day, and say at least 5 decades of the Rosary each day. We should say grace before and after meals; we should say some familiar prayers when we rise and when we go to bed; and we should say the Angelus (or Regina Caeli during the Easter season) thrice a day. We should go to Confession at least monthly, preferably more often.

It is generally best, I think, to receive Communion daily. But certainly we should receive it at least weekly. St Alphonsus recommends receiving the Sacraments weekly (he does not say we should not receive them more); and going to Mass daily. He urges everyone to do a half-hour's mental prayer each day, and recommends 15 minutes of spiritual reading.

The Divine Office is a very powerful prayer, of course, since it is the prayer of the Church.

Good night.

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